So, what exactly is Cellular Forensics anyway? Well, forensics means “tests and techniques used in
connection with the detection of crime.” Cellular? Every ones knows that deals
with mobile phones and their technology.
Cellular forensics can
also be referred to as Mobile forensics. So, when someone says Cellular
forensics there are describing “the utilization of technology (software,
hardware, techniques) that enables an examiner to secure, acquire, document and
present the data found in a mobile phone.”
What good is Cellular
Forensics? As some people say – you are what you click – and a cell phone tells
a bunch about a person. Contacts, WhatsApp messages, Photos, location, SMSs and
call history are just a few of the tell-all items in your phone. Imagine an
employee sharing company secrets with the competition or a married man messaging
his secret lover on WhatsApp… the information on their phone can be very
damaging and valuable.
So, is this like your
favourite show, CSI Miami? No not really! There is no one piece of hardware or
software that can be used for the thousands of models of phones out there. But
cellular forensic experts, like the professionals at DLA certainly know how to
get their hands on the data on your cellphone that you thought was long gone!
Cellular forensics is
like archaeology: you dig and dig using whatever proven tools you can find, and
sometimes you crack the nut and other times you come away exhausted with little
to show for your efforts.
Cellular Forensics
today is not really a brand new field, however as our cell phones get more and
more advanced, our methods need to be too.