A variety of video enhancement techniques can be applied in different arrangements on CCTV Surveillance video evidence. The most important ingredient to this forensic process is maintaining the highest quality of the video evidence. This provides the highest success possible throughout the investigation.
Did you know that the TCG Forensic Division will now be an Africa exclusive agent for Ikena Forensic Software? Not only does Ikena offer some of the best software programs available today, but full enhancement of your videos and images will always be possible!
- Scaling/Pixel Interpolation: Re-size, or scale an image or video to a larger resolution to further identify suspects.
- Sharpening: Enhances the edge contrast of an image or video.
- Stabilization: This is most common today with smart phone video evidence. It reduces the amount of movement from the user that created the video evidence.
- Frame Averaging: Increase the quality of the image by combining data from surrounding frames as well as a better signal to noise ratio in your images or videos.
- Speed Reduction: Decrease the original playback of video evidence to view the events as they occurred in more detail.
Take a look at the Ikena software at work:
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